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Here's what people are saying about Birthing the Easy Way ...

The relaxed, conversational and wonderfully humorous tone of this book makes it a winner right off the bat. [T]his extraordinary book... brims with facts, insights, support and logic. She cheerleads, chides, teases, teaches, comforts and tells the truth. While she's at it, she exposes the untruths and dangers of status quo obstetrics in a matter-of-fact way that does not alienate her readers. - Midwifery Today Magazine

I thoroughly agree with everything you say, and wish we could make it mandatory for obstetricians to read it, and to sit for an examination on its contents. I feel that your book should be professionally printed, bound, and published, and advertised world-wide. You could state at the bottom of the front cover "Half-price for any Obstetrician who guarantees in writing that he will read it" - Dr. John S, Australia (retired physician who attended homebirths)

Absolutely fantastic! Last night while nursing my almost 3-week-old I read your whole book -front to back!! You are a riot! I loved your honesty and your crazy sense of humor! I wish I could have every silly doctor, friend, nosy neighbour and ignorant (?!) relative read it!! Thanks for giving me a "giggling - crying - and then giggling" joy ride to sleep last night. -Laurie S., ON

I loved your frank, no-nonsense, non-authoritarian & immensely funny style of writing! So many times I put the book down giggling or outright laughing and pondered the wisdom of your words. Please write some more! - Louise M., ON

"I re-re-re read your book last week.. Each time I learn more. Simply marvelous!" - Marypascal B., PQ

"I would never have known or considered homebirth if it had not been for you. You're my homebirth angel!!!!!!!!" - Jennifer S., AL (Jennifer had an "HBAC" - Home Birth After Cesarean!)

{Regarding an excerpt from Chapter 11} "lovely words... may I quote you?" - Robbie Davis Floyd, author of Birth as a Rite of Passage

"It's nice to read my own views put into words much more eloquently than I ever could!" - Jackie B., student midwife, UK

"I am EXTREMELY IMPRESSED! Sheila, your writing style is fabulous - fun to read, flows beautifully, just incredible. And the information you have is great. This book NEEDS to be published! ...I can't tell you how excited I am to read this and LOVE it. We have to find a way to get this into the hands of more readers!" - Teresa Pitman, co-author of Pregnancy & Birth : The Best Evidence, Today's Parent columnist, co-author of Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding.

"Got the book in the mail yesterday and was a very bad wife and mother for the rest of the day as I sat on the couch and devoured it while the dirty dishes and dustbunnies had undisturbed peak breeding time. It was WONDERFUL!" - Aliss T, Toronto

"Oh, Sheila, you've *got* to get your book published! I devoured it the afternoon and evening the day it arrived. I cried at times... and I almost pissed myself laughing so hard too... Its *so*comprehensive, how you back *everything* up. It's also easy to read, written in plain layman's terms. Your thoughts/insights experience with/on the sexual nature of the birthing process are definitely not mainstream... To some degree though, women have to be taken by the shoulders and shaken to wake them up! I think that that's what you'll do to people who read your book" - Leslie A., Ottawa

"You manage to convey a great deal of information with an almost conversational tone. In particular, your analogies work very well. ...you have some wonderful information presented in a very readable and really rather friendly format. It feels a bit like you have come by for tea and a discussion of sex and babies." - Jennifer B., MA

I wanted to thank you so very much for writing a fantastic heartwarming book. I am now just over 7 months pregnant, and have devoured every possible book on VBAC's, and yours was certainly refreshing and from the heart.....I needed that. - Liz C., ON

Trust Birth Conference, held in Redondo Beach, California, March 2010
Dr. Odent and Sheila Stubbs

(l to r) Dr Sarah Buckley, author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering; Sheila Stubbs; Jody McLaughlin of Compleat Mother Magazine

Sheila with Roommate Patti Blomme, of the Heads Up! Website. The amazing Patti not only birthed a breech baby when doctorshad stopped allowing it, she birthed her twins at home, and breastfed them even though she only has one functioning breast!
Sheila Stubbs with Laura Shanley,
author of Unassisted Childbirth

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